本文共 9742 字,大约阅读时间需要 32 分钟。
SQL> archive log list;Database log mode Archive ModeAutomatic archival EnabledArchive destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DESTOldest online log sequence 66Next log sequence to archive 68Current log sequence 68
[oracle@oracle ~]$ sqlplus /nolog (启动sqlplus)SQL> conn / as sysdba (以DBA身份连接数据库)SQL> shutdown immediate; (立即关闭数据库)SQL> startup mount (启动实例并加载数据库,但不打开)SQL> alter database archivelog; (更改数据库为归档模式)SQL> alter database open; (打开数据库)SQL> alter system archive log start; (启用自动归档)SQL> exit (退出)
rman 采用块备份,查看块信息使用下面SQL语句
select * from dba_extents
run {allocate channel d1 type disk;backup format='/opt/oracle/backup/%d_%N_%s.bk' tablespace users;release channel d1;}
[oracle@oracle ~]$ mkdir /opt/oracle/backup[oracle@oracle ~]$ rman target sys/passw0rd nocatalogRecovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Jun 13 12:03:20 2011Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.connected to target database: WCSDB (DBID=2970836713)using target database control file instead of recovery catalogRMAN> run {allocate channel d1 type disk;backup format='/opt/oracle/backup/%d_%N_%s.bk' tablespace users;release channel d1;} 2> 3> 4> 5>allocated channel: d1channel d1: SID=36 device type=DISKStarting backup at 13-JUN-11channel d1: starting full datafile backup setchannel d1: specifying datafile(s) in backup setinput datafile file number=00004 name=/opt/oracle/oradata/wcsdb/users01.dbfchannel d1: starting piece 1 at 13-JUN-11channel d1: finished piece 1 at 13-JUN-11piece handle=/opt/oracle/backup/WCSDB_USERS_1.bk tag=TAG20110613T120325 comment=NONEchannel d1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01Finished backup at 13-JUN-11released channel: d1RMAN>
RMAN> list backup of tablespace users;List of Backup Sets===================BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------1 Full 1.30M DISK 00:00:01 13-JUN-11 BP Key: 1 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20110613T120325 Piece Name: /opt/oracle/backup/WCSDB_USERS_1.bk List of Datafiles in backup set 1 File LV Type Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name ---- -- ---- ---------- --------- ---- 4 Full 1561686 13-JUN-11 /opt/oracle/oradata/wcsdb/users01.dbf
$ ls /opt/oracle/backupWCSDB_USERS_1.bk
例 66.3. full backup
# crontab -u oracle -l0 1 * * * /opt/oracle/rman/backup.sh
# cat .bash_profileexport ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracleexport ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1export ORACLE_SID=orclexport PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/binexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/lib# cat /opt/oracle/rman/backup.shrman target sys/passw0rd@orcl msglog=/opt/oracle/rman/log/`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M"`.log cmdfile=/opt/oracle/rman/orcl.rman
# cat /opt/oracle/rman/orcl.rmanrun { allocate channel c1 type disk; allocate channel c2 type disk; configure retention policy to recovery window of 6 days; configure controlfile autobackup on; configure backup optimization on; configure device type disk parallelism 4 backup type to compressed backupset; configure controlfile autobackup format for device type disk to '/opt/oracle/backup/rman/%F.ctl'; sql 'alter system switch logfile'; backup full database format '/opt/oracle/backup/rman/df_%t_%s_%p.bak' tag='full' include current controlfile; sql 'alter system archive log current'; backup archivelog all format '/opt/oracle/backup/rman/arc_%U_%s.bak' delete all input; release channel c1; release channel c2;}crosscheck backup;delete noprompt expired backup;delete noprompt obsolete;exit
run{allocate channel c1 type disk;allocate channel c2 type disk;allocate channel c3 type disk;backup full tag 'dbfull' format '/u01/oradata/backup/full%u_%s_%p' database include current controlfile;sql 'alter system archive log current';backup filesperset 3 format '/u01/oradata/backup/arch%u_%s_%p' archivelog all delete input;release channel c1;release channel c2;release channel c3;}零级备份脚本run{allocate channel c1 type disk;allocate channel c2 type disk;allocate channel c3 type disk;backup incremental level 0 tag ‘db0’ format ‘/u01/oradata/backup/db0%u_%s_%p’ database skip readonly;sql ‘alter system archive log current’;backup filesperset 3 format ‘/u01/oradata/backup/arch%u_%s_%p’ archivelog all delete input;release channel c1;release channel c2;release channel c3;}一级备份脚本run{allocate channel c1 type disk;allocate channel c2 type disk;allocate channel c3 type disk;backup incremental level 1 tag ‘db1’ format ‘/u01/oradata/backup/db1%u_%s_%p’ database skip readonly;sql ‘alter system archive log current’;backup filesperset 3 format ‘/u01/oradata/backup/arch%u_%s_%p’ archivelog all delete input;release channel c1;release channel c2;release channel c3;}
do_rman.sh#!/bin/bash#set envexport NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBKexport PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATHTARGET_SID=$TARGET_SIDRMAN_SID=$RMAN_SIDexport PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATHDATE=`date +%w`DATE_2=`date +%Y%m%d`BACKUP_PATH=$ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/rman/backupLEVEL=$@BIN=$ORACLE_HOME/bin# Delete the data backuped last timerm -rf $BACKUP_PATH/data/$DATE/*if [ $# != 1 ]; then echo "usage: do_rman.sh n where n is the rman backup level(0,1,2 is permitted)." exit 1fiif [ $@ -ne 0 -a $@ -ne 1 -a $@ -ne 2 ]; then echo "usage: do_rman.sh n where n is the rman backup level(Only 0,1,2 is permitted)." exit 2fiecho "[do_rman] rman is starting."if [ $LEVEL = 0 ]; then $BIN/rman log $BACKUP_PATH/log/level.$TARGET_SID.$LEVEL.$DATE_2.log < connect target /; connect catalog rman/rman@$RMAN_SID; resync catalog; run{ allocate channel c1 type disk ; crosscheck backupset of archivelog all ; backup filesperset 3 format '$BACKUP_PATH/data/$DATE/arch.%d.live.$LEVEL.%t'(archivelog from time 'sysdate-7' all delete input) ; delete noprompt expired backupset of archivelog all ; release channel c1 ; } run{ allocate channel c2 type disk ; crosscheck backupset of database ; backup incremental level $LEVEL filesperset 3 format '$BACKUP_PATH/data/$DATE/data.%d.live.$LEVEL.%t'(database include current controlfile) ; delete noprompt expired backupset of database ; delete noprompt obsolete ; release channel c2 ; } exit;EOFelse $BIN/rman log $BACKUP_PATH/log/level.$TARGET_SID.$LEVEL.$DATE_2.log < connect target sys/sys202; connect catalog rman/rman@$RMAN_SID; resync catalog; run{ allocate channel c1 type disk ; crosscheck backupset of archivelog all ; backup filesperset 3 format '$BACKUP_PATH/data/$DATE/arch.%d.live.$LEVEL.%t' (archivelog from time 'sysdate-1' all) ; delete noprompt expired backupset of archivelog all ; release channel c1 ; } run{ allocate channel c2 type disk ; crosscheck backupset of database ; backup incremental level $LEVEL filesperset 3 format '$BACKUP_PATH/data/$DATE/data.%d.live.$LEVEL.%t' (database include current controlfile) ; delete noprompt expired backupset of database ; delete noprompt obsolete ; release channel c2 ; } exit;EOFfiecho "[do_rman] rman is success."
%rman target=rman/rman@mydbRMAN> startup nomountRMAN> restore database;RMAN> recover database;RMAN> alter database open;
设定参数:CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT FOR DEVICE TYPE DISK TO '/arch/rman/controlfile%F.ctnl';CONFIGURE CHANNEL 1 DEVICE TYPE DISK FORMAT '/arch/rman/full%t.bak';数据库rman 全备rman>backup database plus archivelog delete input;备份产生的三个文件-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 7143424 Jan 28 18:05 controlfilec-2719028776-20100128-01.ctnl-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 41074688 Jan 28 18:03 full709495428.bak-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 763379712 Jan 28 18:05 full709495432.bak-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 17920 Jan 28 18:05 full709495518.bakrman恢复------------------1、启动数据库到 nomount 状态$sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL> startup nomount2、spfile 恢复$rman nocatalogrman> connect target /run {allocate channel c1 DEVICE TYPE DISK format '/arch/rman/controlfile%F.ctnl';restore spfile to pfile '/arch/pfile.ora' from '/arch/rman/controlfilec-2719028776-20100128-01.ctnl';release channel c1;}3、控制文件恢复run {allocate channel c1 DEVICE TYPE DISK format '/arch/rman/controlfile%F.ctnl';restore controlfile from '/arch/rman/controlfilec-2719028776-20100128-01.ctnl';release channel c1;}4、全库恢复在恢复控制文件的情况下,可以修改数据到 mount状态,进行全库的恢复rman> alter database mount;run {allocate channel c1 device type disk format '/arch/rman/full%t.bak';restore database;release channel c1;}5、恢复archivelogrun {allocate channel c1 device type disk format '/arch/rman/full%t.bak';restore archivelog all;}run {allocate channel c1 device type disk format '/arch/rman/full%t.bak';restore archivelog from logseq=72 until logseq=73;}6、redolog 恢复SQL>recover database using backup controlfile until cancel;SQL>alter database open resetlogs; //现在有redolog 产生了,还有temp表空间文件也生成了或者分开两步执行SQL>select * from dual;全库成功恢复
# find /opt/oracle/rman/ -type f -mtime 1 -printf "%CY-%Cm-%Cd %Cr %s %f\n"tar --newer="2011-07-04" -zcvf backup.tar.gz /opt/oracle/rman/find /opt/oracle/rman/ -type f -mtime 1 | xargs tar zcvf oracle_2011-07-04.tgzrsync -azP `find /opt/oracle/rman/ -type f -mtime 1` test@
find -type f -mtime 1 |xargs ls -l|wc -lfind /u01/backup/rman/ -type f -mtime 1 |xargs tar -zcvf oracle.2011-6-6.tgz